Friday, October 15, 2010


Welp I made it back safely from my trip to Minnesota. We were busy girls and had a lot of fun together, catching up and what not.

We got to go to an apple orchard they had there and have fresh apple cider, apple donuts and slices of apples with hot Carmel all of the the top... YUMMY!

My friend Lindsey also had the pleasure of being around me when I took my clomid this time around. I felt different this time than last. I didn't cry like a baby or feel sensitive. I did have bad hot flashes and feel sleepy! Ang said she thought I was a little on edge but couldn't tell for sure.

Being away from home, Angie, and kitties always make me realize how happy I am, and how lucky I am to have what I have! It was such a good visit but I'm happy to be home!

The pic below is of my BEAUTIFUL backyard! Our lemons and limes are growing like crazy!

On the TTC end... we have a ultrasound on Tuesday to see if my follicles are growing. I pray there is more than one this time! Insemination is tentatively for Thursday!

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