I'm feeling baby move sooo much more now. I love love love it. People at work keep saying just wait until the baby gets bigger because the kicks will hurt and you will get tired of them. I just don't believe that. I don't think I could EVER get tired of feeling our little boy!
I catch myself day dreaming a lot lately. I wonder what baby will look like, I wonder if he will love us as much as we love him, I think about how our lives are going to change. These thoughts consume my mind!
I'm feeling really great. I don't feel as tired anymore. I want to eat .... ALL THE TIME! I can see why people say the 2nd trimester is the best. I feel like I'm eating a lot more but luckily my weight gain to date is 6 lbs!
We had an awesome time in Hawaii. We went whale watching, snorkeling, walked on the beach a lot, rented a car and drove around the island, laid around on the beach and in the hotel room, had some wonderful meals and mostly enjoyed the time together, just the two of us.
Speaking of wonderful meals... Does anyone watch Dog the Bounty Hunter? Some how one night we went to dinner at Benihani (which is a Japanese steak house where they cook in front of you) and because it was just the two of us, we got paired with 5 other people to make a full table of seven. The 5 ppl we got paired with were three of Dog the bounty hunter's kids and a couple that were "babysitting" them. Haha. I have only seen the show a handful of times, but thought, what a small world...and what a very interesting dinner!
Here's another question. Now that we know baby monkey is a boy... we want to start our regestiry. When is a good time to start doing that? Is 20 weeks too early? I feel like it might take a while though because everytime I enter a babysrus I'm sooo overwhelmed.
I will leave you with pictures! My ever so growing belly and our 19 week ultrasound of our son