Thursday, December 16, 2010


Todays ultrasound was the BEST by far!!

#1- The hematomas are both gone!! Which is super good and makes me really happy b/c I get to FINALLY stop with the Progesterone suppositories!! That in itself makes it a great day

#2- We got to see our precious lil babe! When he got the probe all in place it was crazy to see how much it had changed. I had the biggest smile on my face. Then my smile turned to tears b/c the baby started moving and flipping and waving its arms and legs! I couldn't believe it. There is a little human in me, moving around!! I can only imagine how every ultrasound will get better and better.

The doc said everything looked great and right on track! Todays visit was a little bittersweet however. We finally graduated to the real OBGYN and had to say goodbye to all the familiar faces and ppl we have grown to love and trust.
The pics are from my phone again and not that great quality

This first pic is of baby all curled up in a ball and nice and snug

And this pic you can see its beautiful head, eye sockets, and 2 arms and 2 legs!!! HEAVEN


  1. they are beautiful pictures!!! happy things are progressing nicely!

  2. I remember our first baby wave. It was magic. Congratulations girls! :)

  3. If its a girl name her Heaven or nevaeh based on this post! lol Congrats on all your happiness. I can only hope to be as happy as you are years from now. Sending happy love vibes to you and your beautiful family!

  4. awwww Auntie paige got tears seeing these pics.
    I'm so excited for you two dee! I cant wait to say hi to the baby in january!

  5. Awesome!!!!! Love the u/s photos :)
