Sunday, August 1, 2010


Well today will make it 6 days since our transfer this past Monday. Here's how I'm feeling

Yesterday I felt like my bbs were a little sore but couldn't really tell.... this morning...holy sore! I know progesterone can cause this but I have been on that now since the date of the retrieval with no sore bbs... and now they are all the sudden

I have had two BAD cause of acid reflux/indigestion....both in the A.M. .... when I haven't had anything to eat that I think would cause it... and plus... I never get acid reflux

I have had a constant headache the past three days... Tylenol is the only thing the MD said I could take and it doesn't seem to do the trick

I haven't had any nausea but yesterday nothing sounded good to eat at all. I felt hungry but nothing tasted good and I wasn't in the mood for anything

I know I shouldn't have but couldn't help myself and took a HPT Friday morning... of course negative. I just some how thought it could be positive and then was disappointed the rest of the day.

I feel like I want to take another one...but should I just wait until Wednesday when our Beta is?!?! It's sooo hard... !


  1. Girl! Those are great signs! Hang in there! you will get your BFP on wednesday!!! I will be blog stalking you!!!

  2. I think it's a sign that you told me the pizza I had for lunch today smelled like barf :)
